Dream of Introducing Boyfriend To Parents

MEANING: Dream of introducing boyfriend to parents means that in the afternoon, in an informal meeting with several friends, you will sense that something is not right. Your popularity is growing among family members, co-workers, neighbors and friends. Certain aspects of your childhood has not yet been integrated into your adult personality. Do not get […]
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Dream of Chasing Boyfriend

MEANING: Dream of chasing boyfriend shows that think that maybe you have acted wrong, but if you set your mind to it, you can fix it. A conversation or email regarding a job after the summer will go quite well. Everything is going to be very good and you will certainly have a very rewarding […]
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Dream of Zombie Boyfriend

MEANING: Dream of zombie boyfriend means that you are very concerned about something that is not in your power to solve. You need to stop reliving the past and learn to let go. You should not let yourself be carried away by the bad energies that sometimes surround you. If he gets angry or upset, […]
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Dream of Hugging Boyfriend

MEANING: Dream of hugging boyfriend symbolises that you will receive a very interesting news that will open the doors to access to someone important. You are a very composed, together person. At work things are going well, but you suspect they could be better and you are right. Don’t mess with the times, and don’t […]
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Dream of Pregnant Boyfriend

MEANING: Dream of pregnant boyfriend symbolises that a person close to you will propose to embark on a project with several partners. You feel sad sometime and don’t know why. You are in time to back out of a decision you made without being completely convinced. You will wake up from a dream that you […]
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