Dream of Delivering A Baby Boy

MEANING: Dream of delivering a baby boy shows that you have been running for several days and your body is asking you to stop. Don’t be afraid to hurt a friend just because you tell him the truth. You are wallowing in your negative emotions. You continue to grasp onto your old ways and fail […]
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Dream of A Boy Riding A Bike

MEANING: Dream of a boy riding a bike shows that very romantic and quite dreamy today, you will idealize someone close to you who attracts you. If you make an effort and do your part, everything will go back to the way it was. Your unyielding ways and rigid thinking. You may come up with […]
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Dream of Pregnancy Boy

MEANING: Dream of pregnancy boy expresses that walk carefully on the street or you might run into an obstacle. If you are missing something, you can ask a good friend who will be happy to leave it for you. Harmony in your home and joy in your workplace or studies will be dominant. You need […]
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Dream of Dead Baby Boy

MEANING: Dream of dead baby boy signifies that you will stop feeling internal pressure about an issue that was worrying you at work. You wake up with your foot changed and all day long you maintain a doggy mood. The success you have worked so hard for is already knocking on your doors. You have […]
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Dream of Boy Lost

MEANING: Dream of boy lost means that someone close to you will provide the financial support you need to achieve something you want. Today will be a day to enjoy in the company of good friends. Little by little you will convince yourself that you have a lot of potential in your hands. It is […]
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Dream of Baby Boy And Girl

MEANING: Dream of baby boy and girl means that you will have to leave other matters aside and devote time to that which comes now. Your intuition will now guide you on the right path. Unexpected news will fill you with joy today. Value again the possibility of giving a new chance to someone you […]
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Dream of A Big Boy

MEANING: Dream of a big boy means that you are feeling slow and lethargic in your life. You come out little by little from that state of uncertainty and laziness in which you feel lost. You should devote a significant portion of your time to work that will increase during the day. Someone very close […]
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Dream of Hugging A Baby Boy

MEANING: Dream of hugging a baby boy signifies that consider whether you are now in a position to make a greater commitment. You are a little short of money and have a real desire to generate more prosperity. Do not be afraid to confront a superior who, at a given time, might abuse his authority. […]
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Dream of Caring For A Baby Boy

MEANING: Dream of caring for a baby boy shows that no matter you have some issues, go ahead with confidence that everything will be fine. You are not allowing others dictate how your should look or act. You emanate an energy that turns you into a magnet for others. Be as careful as you can […]
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Dream of Dressing A Baby Boy

MEANING: Dream of dressing a baby boy symbolises that you are having difficulties communicating your emotions or thoughts. Jealousy is never your ally, even if it seems to you to be the opposite. Do it so that it is not too noticeable. You are in a current state of chaos and despair. Moderate that desire […]
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