Dream of Dead Body In House

MEANING: Dream of dead body in house indicates that after a few days, however, certain people will surprise you by completely changing their attitude. It is time to let your guard down a little. You will have to remember that when a door is closed a window opens. You are now more tolerant, adaptable and […]
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Dream of Finding Body Parts

MEANING: Dream of finding body parts shows that be generous to those who are generous to you and generosity will return multiplied. You are idling and wasting your life away. Try to be attentive and, if at any time you do not succeed, check later the work done. In love, the opportunity can now present […]
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Dream of Snake Leaving Body

MEANING: Dream of snake leaving body means that you still remember someone who belongs to a past you can’t forget. You are moving ahead and looking toward the future. Today it will be much more relaxing if you avoid this type of attitude. Don’t keep putting off a thank you message. You’ll have to work […]
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Dream of Dead Body

MEANING: Dream of dead body indicates that although it is not the most ideal moment, you will do it with pleasure because this person is important to you. You are feeling limited or restricted in some aspect of your life. You will receive blessings and rewards for all your humanitarian work. You must decide if […]
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Dream of Dead Body Burning

MEANING: Dream of dead body burning means that propose to bring your attention today to other things different from your business. You can use a sleep cure and cleanse your body of harmful toxins. If you have a partner jealousy could ruin that relationship. In matters of love you will now find yourself in ups […]
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Dream of Soul Leaving Body

MEANING: Dream of soul leaving body symbolises that you can’t keep assuming social commitments at the pace you are. It is time to review some important concepts, such as friendship. You are making a career change or getting a promotion. You will meet someone with whom you will feel very comfortable. You may be dealing […]
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Dream of Decomposing Body

MEANING: Dream of decomposing body shows that you realize now that you are solely responsible for your happiness. You are in the middle of some emotional turmoil. You’ll have to put up with someone making some out-of-tune comment. You are venting your frustrations and anger in an indirect and playful way. Order and sense of […]
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Dream of Bruised Body

MEANING: Dream of bruised body signifies that understand that you can’t solve other people’s lives. Don’t let a person’s comments through social networks make a dent. You may be too tired today to say yes to a proposal that will be made. You will share that renewed optimism and joy with those closest to you. […]
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Dream of Half Body

MEANING: Dream of half body shows that your goals may be too high and are impossible to realize. You feel happy as long as you are free to do whatever you want. Perhaps you need to be careful about what you or someone else is saying. The time you have dedicated to your profession or […]
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