Dream of Blowing A Dandelion

MEANING: Dream of blowing a dandelion symbolises that deep down, you’ve done the same thing many times, but in a different way. You will find out that someone has spoken ill of you, made an unfortunate comment. You may be expressing some anxiety about being on your own and supporting yourself. There is a pending […]
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Dream of Blowing Whistle

MEANING: Dream of blowing whistle signifies that a person you trust needs help. Now it’s time to go where you want, not where others want. You will be inspired for personal relationships and very romantic and generous. You are trying to manipulate some situation. You need to stay the course and continue to move forward. […]
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Dream of Someone Blowing In Ear

MEANING: Dream of someone blowing in ear suggests that control your overly authoritarian attitude. You are living in the past and clinging onto memories. You have recently had a disappointment in love and now it is your turn to recover emotionally. You are feeling undesirable or unwomanly. It’s not that hard to do, but you […]
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Dream of Airplane Blowing Up

MEANING: Dream of airplane blowing up indicates that family and friends will turn to you. Today you will recover from what you thought was hopeless. Today sign up for plans proposed by others. Today you are more in tune, better with yourself and your circumstances. The time has come for you to focus on yourself. […]
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Dream of Building Blowing Up

MEANING: Dream of building blowing up expresses that at lunch you will get a rewarding surprise that will change your perception. Ask yourself if you can keep up with this pace. If you have health problems, they may be aggravated today. Your defenses will be at their lowest, exposing you to viruses like the flu. […]
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Dream of Moon Blowing Up

MEANING: Dream of moon blowing up symbolises that don’t say yes, when you want to say no, simply because you don’t want to acknowledge your mistakes. You must be yourself and make it clear that the helm of your life is yours and that you do not give it up. You have had to make […]
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Dream of Candle Blow Out

MEANING: Dream of candle blow out means that that decision you have made means preparation, shopping and quite a lot of hustle and bustle around you. Today it would be good for you to make separate plans and insist that you do not forget your old friends. Be careful to confuse the essential with the […]
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Dream of House Blowing Up

MEANING: Dream of house blowing up shows that perhaps you are expressing concerns about losing touch with someone around you. You benefit more than ever from the fate of others. You may miss the company of someone special. Today your vision and practicality increase exponentially. Efforts end up paying off, even though impatience may sometimes […]
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Dream of Blow Drying Hair

MEANING: Dream of blow drying hair shows that take advantage of the vacations to reflect on those issues that occupy your thoughts. Maybe with your partner things are not going as you would like. That will lead you to have to rethink certain expenses or to put on sale some good. If someone offers you […]
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Dream of Blowing Up

MEANING: Dream of blowing up signifies that there are certain gains you have made over the summer that you should not squander just like that. You will experience clarity in some situation or relationship. Everything is conspired to make your purposes perfect today. Take contact little by little and go solving the issues one by […]
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