Dream of Being Cut With A Blade

MEANING: Dream of being cut with a blade signifies that if you wait for health news it will be positive. There is work activity that you will combine with rest or leisure time. You are feeling overwhelmed by forces beyond your control. Your economy is going through a good time. It is time to start […]
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Dream of Razor Blade

MEANING: Dream of razor blade means that someone attacks you verbally because he envies you. You have a need to strive for perfection. Accept your reality of the moment with its limitations, and continue to work in the right direction. That part of you is going to be a great success today. Work absorbs you […]
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Dream of Having A Razor Blade

MEANING: Dream of having a razor blade means that don’t keep waiting and put a stop to this situation that is so physically and mentally exhausting. You have an issue pending that concerns both of you and on which you do not fully agree. You have some energy stored up waiting to be utilized. Perhaps […]
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Dream of Being Attacked With A Blade

MEANING: Dream of being attacked with a blade expresses that you may have placed your decision or course of action into someone else’s hand. Today it is important that you look for a moment of rest and relaxation because you will need. Your motion is being inhibited in some way. You need to capture some […]
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Dream of Broken Blade

MEANING: Dream of broken blade signifies that you are not sure about how to express yourself and how to voice your beliefs. In any case, the most sensible thing is to let the day go by and park the pending issues. It will involve adopting certain changes and it will cost you to choose a […]
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Dream of Blade Knives

MEANING: Dream of blade knives indicates that don’t say yes, when you want to say no, simply because you don’t want to acknowledge your mistakes. Do not allow certain fears to stagnate and immobilize you. You are feeling the emotional burden of a person. You will know exactly what you need to feel good. From […]
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Dream of Sword And Blade

MEANING: Dream of sword and blade shows that you are not valuing certain important things in your life. Discrepancies will arise between what some believe you should do and what you would like to do. You are recovering from some emotional hurt or trauma. His contacts are very convenient for you to try to get […]
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