Dream of Beads

MEANING: Dream of beads symbolises that that’s something that can alter your mood, but it’s best to assume you have other priorities. Today you will wake up wanting to finish the purchases of reyes. You must keep in mind that you cannot make your life so dependent on others. Vicious rumors by false friends will […]
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Dream of Beads Breaking

MEANING: Dream of beads breaking symbolises that it will be a good day to monitor your health and have a general check-up. A good friend will trust you with a personal problem and you should not let him down. Your stress will be alleviated and you will find peace of mind. You may be expressing […]
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Dream of Red Beads

MEANING: Dream of red beads signifies that a heated discussion will cause some wear and tear on everyone around you. You’re taking on more account responsibilities and it’s starting to take its toll. You want others to know exactly who you are. Your most imaginative side will come out and you will get to have […]
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Dream of Wooden Beads

MEANING: Dream of wooden beads symbolises that today a friend or acquaintance will try to discourage you in relation to a certain project. Assimilating new ideas is something these natives are used to and they do it very quickly. You will feel a special chemistry for a person you have never noticed before. Don’t improvise […]
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Dream of Collecting Beads

MEANING: Dream of collecting beads symbolises that re-education is needed to end destructive or repetitive patterns. Enjoy it without anyone putting obstacles or problems. You will have to work overtime today and that will alter your mood. There will be, throughout today, exciting circumstances that will make you vibrate inside. You have to give yourself […]
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Dream of Necklace Of Beads

MEANING: Dream of necklace of beads signifies that what is new in your life, in whatever field, is not negative at all. You will laugh now at what yesterday destroyed you. You are feeling empowered and unhindered. You may not be getting along with some work colleague or family member. But don’t throw it away […]
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Dream of Waist Beads

MEANING: Dream of waist beads shows that you are used to be provident, do not change that attitude. Perhaps you have misbehaved to somebody and are expressing your regrets. You are presented with extraordinary opportunities in terms of work and economics. The weekend is excellent for doing something new, different from what you are used […]
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Dream of Wearing Beads

MEANING: Dream of wearing beads suggests that you will have the opportunity to change your perspective and act differently from now on. You are unable to speak about some unimportant situation. You don’t have to be afraid to tell the truth to a friend who will always understand you. You can’t say no no matter […]
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Dream of Coloured Beads

MEANING: Dream of coloured beads symbolises that today you will have to face a tense situation between friends or co-workers. A companion will get on your nerves, but do not give in to his manipulations. You will feel betrayed by an acquaintance who will break his word. You can’t stand everything that happens and is […]
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Dream of Stringing Beads

MEANING: Dream of stringing beads suggests that the new contacts you make today are valuable for the future even if they don’t seem so now. You are looking for your truth, which makes you happy, and now you are not willing to compromise. Today select your words well because you run the risk of others […]
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