Dream of Entering Bank

MEANING: Dream of entering bank expresses that sometimes you are a bit messy because you have a tendency to chaos inside. Beware of certain kinds of lies you sometimes tell yourself. Your ego is strengthened and you do not give up or abandon the practice and thus your knowledge is perfected. A current situation is […]
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Dream of River Bank

MEANING: Dream of river bank suggests that a good friend will make you a proposal that could change the course of your week. You will spontaneously organize plans and outings outside the work environment. It’s time to strengthen your beliefs, your faith. You are reaching levels of happiness that you have not known before. You […]
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Dream of Withdrawing Money From Bank

MEANING: Dream of withdrawing money from bank suggests that you will feel comfortable in your home and will not need to leave. You are recognizing your talents and accomplishments. Don’t worry too much if a friend doesn’t respond to your messages today. You are seeking some reassurance or reinforcement about a new relationship. From relationships […]
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Dream of Bank Book

MEANING: Dream of bank book expresses that you need to be both receptive and communicative in some work situation or personal relationship. Laziness will play a dirty trick on you today, but you must not whip yourself for not fulfilling your purposes. You need to make your best offer in some business deal. Try to […]
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Dream of Lot Of Bank Notes

MEANING: Dream of lot of bank notes suggests that you are anxious about an existing issue. Even if it is true and you are right, those signs of aggressiveness do not give you a good image. You will enjoy, wrapped by the love and warmth of your family, a really satisfactory day. Identifying time vampires […]
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Dream of Working In Bank

MEANING: Dream of working in bank shows that no one will be able to stop now your impulses, your desires, your orders. You are either trying to get to your subconscious and access its insights. Your will power leads you to achieve now what you want. You will, even if it means some fatigue, but […]
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Dream of Bank Card Broken

MEANING: Dream of bank card broken symbolises that you need a new illusion and if you look around you, it is close to you. You should make time for them from anywhere, because it will really pay off if you do. The more you lower your barriers and let the communication flow, the better. You […]
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