Dream of Being Attacked By Mob

MEANING: Dream of being attacked by mob means that someone you considered a close friend will turn his back on you overnight. Be careful what you wish for because it can be fulfilled. They propose a trip or organize an event. You are trying to disguise your true feelings. You are working on your image […]
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Dream of Being Attacked By Mosquitoes

MEANING: Dream of being attacked by mosquitoes expresses that compassion and forgiveness can mean a lot to you today. You may be feeling inhibited in expressing your identity. You can show your disapproval with silence, which this time you will know how to make it very eloquent. Manias, traumas and obsessions will disappear from your […]
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Dream of Attacking Skunk

MEANING: Dream of attacking skunk symbolises that perhaps you are procrastinating too much. Don’t try to fix today something that happened yesterday with your partner. Today you will witness a beautiful gesture from a stranger. Everything will go smoothly, but you must not distrust yourself for a single second. Romance magically envelops your environment. Furthermore, […]
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Dream of Being Attacked By Old Man

MEANING: Dream of being attacked by old man means that you need to fulfill a void in your life. You make contacts that come in handy to sell a project you have in your hands. Something in your life is bringing up feelings of fear and insecurities. You will receive revelations through dreams and visions. […]
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Dream of Being Attacked By Pigeons

MEANING: Dream of being attacked by pigeons indicates that when you start to overcome these difficulties, you will see that you have as many opportunities as others. Among them you will find something that will bring back many memories, try not to fall into melancholy. Today will be a stressful day, but if you manage […]
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Dream of Man Attacking Me

MEANING: Dream of man attacking me means that your work is not only a place to spend time, but it is the center for growth and fulfillment. Your economy improves and you will be able to make that small payment that you will love to enjoy. Don’t think you can do everything you want to […]
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Dream of Being Attacked By Police

MEANING: Dream of being attacked by police suggests that you need to be more mature about some situation. If you think you overdid it with someone, assume your guilt and ask for forgiveness. You are more irritable and susceptible than usual and you act in an abrupt manner. Your ability and knowledge is being called […]
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Dream of Being Attacked By Shark

MEANING: Dream of being attacked by shark indicates that it’s not a bad idea to expand your social circle. Demand more in the professional field and give the maximum. Your dynamism, magnetism and sex appeal are exalted. You are not getting your point of view across. That person you are looking for is about to […]
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