Dream of Dog Attack

MEANING: Dream of dog attack indicates that you should be more aware of a person close to you who is going through a difficult time. You will be able to recover their friendship, although you will have to recognize your mistakes. Someone could promise you something that you couldn’t deliver. Sometimes it is better not […]
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Dream of Unicorns Attacking

MEANING: Dream of unicorns attacking symbolises that very inspired today, you will be creative, especially intellectually, and you will be able to convince with the word. You don’t have to worry about what hasn’t happened yet and probably won’t. Don’t leave and go to the call of a friend who may need you. Today is […]
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Dream of Bull Attacking Someone Else

MEANING: Dream of bull attacking someone else signifies that a labor issue that affects your entire company is putting stress and strain on your entire team. You must calm down, relax and trust that everything that happens will be the best for you. You will take a big step forward and be even closer than […]
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Dream of Alligator Attacking Dog

MEANING: Dream of alligator attacking dog suggests that that mental work will do you good as you will see that sometimes you suffer unnecessarily. That vicious circle you’ve gotten yourself into mentally is not a good thing. A storm could break out among you that would only increase your degree of discomfort. Health is good […]
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Dream of Bull Trying To Attack Me

MEANING: Dream of bull trying to attack me expresses that there is a problem or issue that is burdening you. Someone is going to make you wonder about your partner’s or family’s behavior. You are being cut off from your spiritual being and being out of touch with yourself. There are situations that are getting […]
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Dream of Heart Attack

MEANING: Dream of heart attack expresses that you accumulate too much stuff in your home and that can’t go on. You need to be open to personal critisizms. It is important to give in and respect the ways others act in order to live together. Your attitudes and way of seeing reality are in a […]
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Dream of An Attacking Bull

MEANING: Dream of an attacking bull suggests that you feel that you are not yourself anymore. The worries and problems around you are pressing in on you. You have a very busy social agenda, perhaps too much. Living with all the consequences is never a mistake. If you run all day long you will inevitably […]
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Dream of Iguana Attack

MEANING: Dream of iguana attack means that you are searching through your subconscious for a better understanding of yourself. That step is very positive because it will be important in the future. You will get a little nervous about a work incident that will be caused by one of your colleagues. You need to start […]
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