Dream of Catching Antelope

MEANING: Dream of catching antelope shows that you will put distance with the problems. You will call a friend to ask him something and you will learn about a very important change in his life. You need to take advantage and draw insight from your consciousness. It’s time to plan for the future and carry […]
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Dream of Killing Antelope

MEANING: Dream of killing antelope suggests that sometimes you are a little slow to make decisions and that can affect your work today. Do not underestimate what one person can do. Your positive mind will overcome every obstacle. A friend will warmly embrace you in the moment you will need it most. Now is the […]
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Dream of Antelope Chasing

MEANING: Dream of antelope chasing signifies that finally you will take the step to sign up for that course that is so interesting. Take it easy today, even if it doesn’t turn out the way you expect. You are changing your beliefs about something. You need to investigate further what aspect or component of your […]
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Dream of Dead Antelope

MEANING: Dream of dead antelope expresses that disappointment or envy are feelings that will do nothing for your happiness. You’ll get it right and your command skills will help you impose your criteria. Don’t spend happily without looking ahead. Expenses, new commitments, routine changes are some of the things that will keep you busy. Today […]
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Dream of Antelope

MEANING: Dream of antelope means that you are expressing some concerns about your future. You need to consider opposing viewpoints. You are expressing your anger in an ineffective way. You need to make time for leisure and pleasure. A health-related problem is bothering you a lot, but it’s really not that big a deal. The […]
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Dream of A White Antelope

MEANING: Dream of a white antelope means that everything related to the foreigner is convenient for you, whether it is travel or work. You will feel much better, and you should not care what others think. You are being recognized for your good character. Tempers will be shaken today, at quieter times and at more […]
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Dream of Baby Antelope

MEANING: Dream of baby antelope indicates that you feel an inner emptiness that you do not know where it comes from and that distresses you in a certain sense. The destination you choose will be in this case decisive. You are letting minor things bother you. The time has come to see goals achieved and […]
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Dream of Antelope Attack

MEANING: Dream of antelope attack expresses that you will want to enjoy all the pleasures life has to offer. Maybe it is an argument or maybe it is a partner who only seems to think about himself. Don’t let a rumor make your day. You shall do or study that which satisfies your mind and […]
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Dream of Green Antelope

MEANING: Dream of green antelope expresses that focus on the work and activate your creative side. You still haven’t realized that you always give more than you get. You have a relaxed attitude about money and other financial matters. Many things will have to be discussed, adjusted and changed to restore peace. It is best […]
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