Dream of Airplane Flying Low

MEANING: Dream of airplane flying low expresses that you need to be more direct in telling others how you feel. Assume that your way of doing things does not have to please everyone. You take action on a legal matter you were too lazy to get involved in. You can’t keep up with the hectic […]
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Dream of Airplane Spinning

MEANING: Dream of airplane spinning means that love wants to surprise you, but it can’t do it if you don’t do your part. I may only expect understanding or affection from you. Don’t let them take advantage of you, because you give in too soon. You are separating your mind from your body. You have […]
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Dream of Sitting In Airplane

MEANING: Dream of sitting in airplane suggests that you will settle, somewhat abruptly, an argument with a co-worker. You will experience success in a project. Today you should be aware of any papers or bills you have to sign. Perhaps you need to guide someone in the right direction. Some factors will influence it and […]
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Dream of Airplanes Dropping Bombs

MEANING: Dream of airplanes dropping bombs shows that you can’t keep up with the pace you’ve been moving all week. It would be good for you to share with a friend something that you are having a hard time assimilating. Don’t be so confident in your chances if you don’t want to jeopardize any of […]
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Dream of Crash Airplanes

MEANING: Dream of crash airplanes shows that you are goal-oriented and plan for the future. In the afternoon you will enjoy something you like and the company will be rewarding. This is your moment to come out and conquer others with your charms on the sentimental plane. Join efforts in the area of work and […]
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Dream of Catching An Airplane

MEANING: Dream of catching an airplane expresses that do not allow certain fears to stagnate and immobilize you. Open your heart to the miracles of life. Today you stand out from the rest. Perhaps you need to let loose and adopt a more carefree attitude. You will want to enjoy your partner in intimacy and […]
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Dream of Carrying Airplane

MEANING: Dream of carrying airplane indicates that you must spend time with him, listen to him and allow him to cry if necessary. A wave of optimism will invade you and you will feel very positive about your near future. Now is the opportunity to show what you can do. There is in you a […]
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