Dream of Giving Aquarium

MEANING: Dream of giving aquarium signifies that perhaps, you are feeling superior and are above some situation. If you have an exam or a job interview pending, spend the day preparing for it. Alone or in company, try to distract yourself a little with some show or a simple walk. Let yourself go with the present moment, do not judge or question and enjoy the gift that is living. You need to weigh your options carefully before making a final decision.

The dream of giving an aquarium also represents your innate desire for protection and a sense of security in your relationships and interactions with others. Just like the glass walls of an aquarium shield its inhabitants, you possess a natural instinct to protect and care for those you hold dear. Your caring and compassionate nature make you a true source of comfort for your loved ones, providing them the reassurance and stability they need. Your feeling of being “enchanted” in this dream highlights your ability to captivate others with your warmth and empathy. Embrace this enchantment, as it helps you to forge deeper connections and create harmonious relationships. Remember to express your love and support to those you care about, as it is through these actions that you will continue to thrive emotionally.

SOON: Giving aquarium in dream signifies that we all have our lights and shadows, including you. You are now in a position to give, help and join forces with others. You are more valuable than you think you are. Your social world is enriched with beings of great inspiration. There are many changes and reorganization around you.

FUTURE: Dream of giving aquarium expresses that you deserve to live in peace, at your own pace. In the most unsuspected place you could meet someone you connect with perfectly. You will be now very positive and you will see everything pink. You will notice, in particular, one of them. The step you are about to take gives you experience.

More about Giving Aquarium

Dream of aquarium expresses that you will see how they do not put any kind of impediment. You will find teachings on a topic that will interest you a lot. Your life is waiting for you to do extraordinary things. You could start a conversation with a family member who is in need. You will have opportunities to do so in these next few days.

Dream of a giving expresses that everyone, and first of all you, will thank you. You will successfully complete studies or exams. You will know how to skillfully avoid it, although deep down you don’t care what people think of you. There are many positive energies near you. You may be thinking of going back to school or training in a new area.

Dream of giving aquarium contains special messages

ADVICE: Do the best you can with what life has given you and you will be able to do wonders. Seeks the understanding of someone who truly loves or appreciates you.

WARNING: Take control of your life and don’t waste any more time. You can’t continue to do something you know will harm you.

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Dream of Armed Robbery Attack

MEANING: Dream of armed robbery attack signifies that you are somewhat irascible and think everyone is attacking you when it is not real. Your health will improve if you break bad habits. Follow your destiny and don’t stop because of anything or anyone. You are looking for comfort or that you need to be comforted by someone. You are imposing your opinions and feelings on others.

This dream reflects a sense of danger that you may be experiencing in your waking life. It represents a feeling of being under threat, whether real or perceived. It could indicate that you are encountering a situation or person that makes you feel insecure or vulnerable. The anxiety you felt in the dream is a natural response to such a threatening scenario. Your character is remarkably resilient, showing great strength and courage even in the face of adversity. It is admirable how you maintain a sense of composure and control when confronted with challenging circumstances. In waking life, it is important for you to recognize your own power and take steps to empower yourself further. By developing skills and strategies that bolster your security and confidence, you can face any potential danger with a higher level of resilience. Trust yourself and your abilities, as you have great potential to overcome obstacles and turn challenges into opportunities for growth.

SOON: Armed robbery attack in dream signifies that you begin to recover that energy and dynamism that so much characterizes you. That’s good for your peace of mind, so you get it right with that attitude. The harmony of your life is linked, to a certain extent, to having harmony in your home. To accept the circumstances that cannot be changed is to start walking forward again. Deep down, you know you’ve done it your way and you should be glad about it.

FUTURE: Dream of armed robbery attack symbolises that now no one will be able to resist your charms and you will be like a magnet for many. You’ll take good steps, but don’t show all your cards. It’s time to declare your independence and start building for your future. If you don’t have a partner, you could meet someone special on a trip or a small excursion. You will bring out unknown facets that will put you in the spotlight.

More about Armed Robbery Attack

Dream of robbery means that you will leave behind certain selfishness and turn to their welfare. You may not like something, but you will have to value the positive more. They will bring you a new vision of the world around you and will expand your horizons. You will love yourself more and assert yourself like never before. This will make you very energetic and mentally strong to carry them out.

Dream of attack indicates that quiet reading can be a very pleasant way to spend the day. Your mood will be strengthened and you will feel calm. Let yourself be carried away by the seduction that someone will exert over you. Calm will gradually return to your mind and your relationship will improve. The conclusions you draw will help you take new steps towards the success you so desire.

Dream of robbery attack expresses that financial opportunities will not be lacking to increase your income. You will know how to eliminate everything superfluous and unnecessary from your life. An unexpected call will give you great news that will affect your family life very positively. The bottle, for you, will be half full, even if there is some small setback. Someone will give you a clue to follow so that it won’t be so difficult.

Dream of armed robbery attack contains special messages

ADVICE: Try to stay in that state as long as possible. Better to go step by step, focusing on each thing you do with the greatest care and dedication.

WARNING: Do not abandon an objective that, a priori, seems complicated. Don’t trust a business or investment you have no guarantee of.

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Dream of Cry For Help

MEANING: Dream of cry for help suggests that continue with the plans you had already organized, with much strength. Things will not go as planned, but you can flow with what happens. A friend brings you good memories and very entertaining moments that make you have a great time. An unexpected detail of the couple will make you very happy today. You know that many times, being alone or having fun on your own is the best thing you can do.

Furthermore, this dream also emphasizes the importance of seeking assistance and pleading for help when necessary. It serves as a reminder that you don’t have to face life’s difficulties alone. Your dream is a reflection of your admirable character, as you display humility and the willingness to acknowledge your limitations. Introspection becomes your guiding force as you delve into your thoughts and emotions. Remember that true strength comes from recognizing when you need support and seeking it without hesitation. By embracing this introspective mindset, you open yourself up to valuable insights and the potential for personal growth.

SOON: Cry for help in dream suggests that you need once and for all to set a greater commitment to physical exercise. To reach the goal you have set for yourself, nothing is needed but your will power. It’s time to share them with those closest. You do well, because it is convenient for you to wait. You give them a hand with all possible good will and in a generous and disinterested way.

FUTURE: Dream of cry for help symbolises that they will value that effort you make and will not put any hindrance to your wishes. A little trip, either by sea, air or land, would not hurt you at this time. When you get home you might find a problem that you thought was solved. Your attitude to life will be changed by your inner perception. Someone will give you some very positive news that you will receive with joy and enthusiasm.

Dream of cry for help contains special messages

ADVICE: Organize some activity that you can do together like an excursion to the beach or to the mountain. Give him the benefit of the doubt, because when you get to the bottom of it, the truth will come out.

WARNING: Try to distance yourself from what you don’t like, especially with children, siblings or parents. Try to be more risky and maintain your position in all areas and with everyone.

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Dream of Child Hitting Head

MEANING: Dream of child hitting head means that you are experiencing a lack of autonomy and independence. You will soon find a way to solve it. In the afternoon, if you go to some social event, you will leave the past behind and have a great time. You will look for the way to conquer it again and to enliven the flames of passion. You will feel some stress and uneasiness.

Furthermore, the dream about the child hitting their head indicates a process of self-discovery that you are currently undergoing. This confusion and uncertainty arising from the dream reflect the journey you are on to explore and understand your true self. It is a time of deep introspection and questioning, as you search for meaning and purpose in your life. Your concern about this dream is a testament to your desire for personal growth and transformation. Embrace this period of self-discovery and allow yourself to explore different aspects of your identity. Trust that this process will ultimately lead you to greater self-awareness and a clearer sense of direction.

SOON: Child hitting head in dream symbolises that everything related to the couple takes on great importance. Sometimes it is good to look at the darkness in order to reach the light. There is a person from the past who comes back into your life and can bring you a certain melancholy. You get to see how you can close a deal or finish a work you have in hand. That gives you a lot of tranquility and a great mood.

FUTURE: Dream of child hitting head shows that if you are thinking of asking for a raise, this may be the right time. You will take out of your existence everything that paralyzes you. You will be very efficient in practical matters and at work. This will save you disappointment and you will live more peacefully. If you have a partner, you will live unique moments full of romanticism and passion.

More about Child Hitting Head

Dream of child expresses that as you help and make others prosper, so shall you prosper. Romance inspires you and your friends prove how much they love you. You focus on the work and see how soon you start to receive fruits in return. Meeting with a good friend for a chat so you can change discs can help you a lot. As the day progresses you will calm down, perhaps as a result of some good news.

Dream of head signifies that everyone is waiting for your ideas and proposals. You smile at an occurrence or an idea to please someone in which you will be immersed. A good friend will show you his unconditional support and that will be enough for you. You will have more initiative to undertake new activities. To escape from it you will have to act decisively in what you know is the right direction.

Dream of a hit indicates that your clarity of thought will be critical in this negotiation. Although you don’t expect it, you will get some joy. Foreign, travel and total expansion is predicted in your panorama. Your fear of commitment will keep you trying to maintain your independence and your singleness. They will act intelligently and profitably for your checking account.

Dream of child hitting head contains special messages

ADVICE: Strive to find the positive side of things. Surround yourself with positive things, that give color to your life.

WARNING: You must, however, rectify as soon as you realize that your performance has been wrong. Try to control yourself and not give too much importance to the snubbed comments you may make.

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Dream of Throwing Food

MEANING: Dream of throwing food signifies that this attitude will not take you too much by surprise because deep down, you already noticed something strange. You will feel loved by your partner and by the people around you. A new colleague at work will broaden your perspective on certain issues. It is better to go your way and not look to the past if it somehow assaults you today. You will live a day with some surprises that will give you members of your own family.

The dream of throwing food also signifies a sense of rebellion that dwells within you, dear dreamer. You have an independent spirit, and this dream reflects your innate desire to challenge authority or traditional norms that may be hindering your personal growth. It’s essential to recognize and honor this rebellious side of you, for it is what fuels your unique perspective and ability to think outside the box. Your feeling of amusement during this dream indicates that you have a great sense of humor, which often helps you diffuse tense situations and bring joy to others. Embrace this rebellious energy to break free from any limitations that have been holding you back. Use your wit and charm to navigate any adversity that comes your way and to inspire those around you.

SOON: Throwing food in dream suggests that you go ahead with those plans that you have noticed in romantic or seductive matters. You are very interested in everything that can increase your happiness and quality of life. You are able to do different and fun things if you put your mind to it. Life is asking you for certain changes on a personal level that are not being addressed. You have several plans for saturday and sunday that you would like very much.

FUTURE: Dream of throwing food indicates that you’re starting to feel things for someone who initially didn’t make you hot or cold. You will meet very interesting and different people. This means that if they are material aspirations, you will reach them. There are many who appreciate you and are very willing to help you. A family member will share with you a life experience that will mark you forever.

More about Throwing Food

Dream of food suggests that you recover that energy that had been down due to stress. Someone very attractive will notice you and love will be present if you do not have a partner. You will conquer and bewitch all around you. You will end up tired, but happy and smiling. A recovery period is coming, you just have to be very patient.

Dream of throwing food contains special messages

ADVICE: Be kind at all times and it will pass in a few days. Better wait a bit to make that important investment you have in mind.

WARNING: Keep in mind that sometimes nothing is what it seems. Avoid competing for power, let things return to their place on their own.

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Dream of Mailbox

MEANING: Dream of mailbox indicates that you are depleting your resources, either physically, spiritually or emotionally. You’ll be more relaxed and better off, you’ll meet the demands. Learn lessons from the past where, having much more, you actually had much less. You may find yourself in a state of low morale today. Today you will feel especially active and notice the energy flowing through your veins.

Furthermore, the dream about a mailbox suggests a desire for privacy and personal space. It indicates that you value your alone time and cherish moments of solitude, where you can reflect and recharge. This dream highlights your ability to set boundaries and take care of your emotional well-being. Your amusement may come from the reassurance that you possess the wisdom to know when to retreat and have your inner thoughts safeguarded. Embrace this need for privacy and continue to make time for yourself, as it nurtures your personal growth and allows you to present your best self to the world.

SOON: Mailbox in dream suggests that enemies flee or disappear from your life. You can now enjoy with the family without being affected or manipulated. You’re on a roll professionally, but not personally. You and your partner love each other very much, but lately you are going through a complicated stage. You are good at handling situations where patience is essential for resolution.

FUTURE: Dream of mailbox means that you can get the promotion you want or position yourself as you deserve. Learning from mistakes will prevent you from making them again. What seems complex will be resolved much sooner than it seems. All that disappears and you feel encouraged and active. You can propose plans to friends with whom you feel comfortable and in a climate of trust.

Dream of mailbox contains special messages

ADVICE: Take advantage of this opportunity to do those errands that you are postponing because of laziness. Take a deep breath and go your own way, just.

WARNING: Don’t settle for someone who doesn’t deserve your heart. Don’t let him take you on his turf, stay in your place.

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Dream of Wearing A Red Jersey

MEANING: Dream of wearing a red jersey expresses that you could meet someone from your past at a social event. To be always anchored in the past, in all senses, is not the most convenient for you. You will be very busy wanting to be in many places at once and this will increase your nervousness. A friend may sign up with you at the last minute. Let the day go by without worrying every moment about what you are going to do next.

Furthermore, this dream signifies your unwavering confidence in expressing your true self. Just as the red jersey allows you to stand out from the crowd, you possess a genuine desire to be seen and heard. Your passion and enthusiasm are contagious, and people are naturally drawn to your charismatic personality. Your contentment arises from the deep satisfaction of living authentically and letting that passion shine through. Don’t be afraid to continue expressing your true self, as it is what makes you shine brightly and brings you immense joy and contentment.

SOON: Wearing a red jersey in dream symbolises that any choice is good as long as your heart speaks. It’s not so bad to speak your mind with education. It’s okay to try, but to a certain extent. The only impediment for you to advance and achieve what you have set out to do is yourself. It’s time for you to discover that you have the power to change things.

FUTURE: Dream of wearing a red jersey symbolises that your more spiritual side is awakening and you must give your soul everything it needs. What affected you in the past will no longer return to your life. Determination will be the key that will lead you to the success that you long for. In the hour of rest you will meet an old friend who will awaken in you a strange feeling. You will like those things that involve being in direct contact with nature.

More about Wearing A Red Jersey

Dream of a jersey symbolises that you will be willing to try a completely different diet that will give better results. Simply, you will free yourself from the chains that tied you. In the long run, everything will come back to its place, you just have to wait for the storm to pass. A good friend will accompany you in a difficult process that you will have to go through. You will spend a day with very high spirits, with positive energy.

Dream of wearing a red jersey contains special messages

ADVICE: Protect yourself, but without losing a point of curiosity and daring in love. You must defend with your sword and cloak what you consider just.

WARNING: You must control your blood pressure if you don’t want to get a scare. Tries to overlook certain childish behaviors.

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Dream of Someone Putting Something In My Mouth

MEANING: Dream of someone putting something in my mouth shows that don’t feel bad about asking for help to get a job, as it is something very worthy. Changes are coming, it is true, but none will be related to what you might be told today. Today you breathe with much more tranquility because certain tensions that were around you are lowered. You will feel great because there is an obstacle you overcome. You may be in conflict with an aspect of yourself.

In this dream, the imagery of someone putting something in your mouth symbolizes the theme of control. It represents your desire to assert your own autonomy and have the ability to make decisions for yourself. The discomfort you felt in the dream is a reflection of your strong-willed and independent nature, as you are not one to easily succumb to external forces trying to control you. Embrace this aspect of your character as it will continue to guide you towards personal growth and success. Remember, at times, it is essential to assert yourself and set boundaries to maintain a healthy sense of control over your own life.

SOON: Someone putting something in my mouth in dream indicates that now it’s your turn to be a little more selfish, to look out for yourself and your true interests. It’s up to you to make this saturday special and unique. In any case, it is better to talk about it with her calmly. Every human being needs dreams and goals to achieve to feel like they can fly. You are in a good position to demand what you think you deserve.

FUTURE: Dream of someone putting something in my mouth expresses that your mental attitude will be very positive so you will feel very good. You will see clearly, early in the day, what is important and what is not. You will enjoy an intimate and passionate evening. You will bravely face what you fear most and overcome it. If you have a partner, there will be a gale that you will be able to overcome.

More about Someone Putting Something In My Mouth

Dream of roach mouth suggests that you and your partner will live moments of passion that you had not experienced until now. You will make important decisions that will produce definitive and radical changes. You have by your side other people who will be affected by the decisions you make. You will have to make decisions about your work life. You would do very well to reserve some weekend time in planning the next months.

Dream of someone putting something in my mouth contains special messages

ADVICE: Get more rest and do some exercise, yoga or anything else that leads to letting go of that tension. Listen to your intuition and do not let it limit you to an excess of rationality.

WARNING: Do not live in the perpetual suspicion of jealousy, because you are not emotionally interested. Try not to go home directly and meet friends for a drink.

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Dream of Being Held Against My Will

MEANING: Dream of being held against my will means that you are trying to rid yourself of old, negative habits and bad characteristics. Lack of self-confidence is evident in your personal relationships. Today you will look the other way when faced with a conflict between co-workers. Give yourself time in the morning for a quiet breakfast and exercise. You expressing a desire to keep your distance.

In your dream, being held against your will signifies a deep-rooted fear within you, dear dreamer. It symbolizes the anxiety you may be experiencing in your waking life, the fear of being trapped or restricted. These feelings of helplessness reflect your innate desire for independence and autonomy. Your strong character and determination shine through, and it is important to remember that you possess the strength to overcome any challenges that come your way. Embrace your assertiveness and establish healthy boundaries in your daily interactions. By doing so, you shall regain a sense of control over your own life and extinguish the flames of anxiety that may arise.

SOON: Being held against my will in dream suggests that you examine your goals and are now willing to change and improve your attitudes. It’s not about shutting up but being subtle. You can consult a specialist or you can face your fears on your own. A bit of realism and seeing things more objectively would be very helpful. If you are comfortable with your partner right now, keep it up.

FUTURE: Dream of being held against my will indicates that it’s nothing serious, it’s just improving some aspects that you’re neglecting. Several social activities will not be missing from your busy schedule. You will have moments of happiness that you have not lived for a long time. Practicing meditation or relaxation could greatly improve your life. Conversations with friends will be frankly fun.

More about Being Held Against My Will

Dream of a will indicates that a person will tell you the best way to achieve your goals. You will be rewarded for this change of attitude in the form of a new friendship. You will be able to solve this little bump if you both put on your side. With organization you will be able to do everything you want. A good friend will serve you on a platter an opportunity that could change your life forever.

Dream of being held against my will contains special messages

ADVICE: Push yourself towards your goals and keep moving towards the life you’re betting on. Share all the good things you have right now with the people you really love.

WARNING: Don’t even think of rejecting it, even if it requires a greater effort and commitment. Don’t be obsessed with your opinions and let others give their ideas and express their opinion.

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Dream of Deceased Father Calling Me

MEANING: Dream of deceased father calling me expresses that you are having second thoughts about a relationship. Someone close to you needs you to tell the truth about a family matter that is getting complicated. If you simply walk down the street, watch out for obstacles. It is time to go after the conquest of that one or that one that interests you so much. Today you could explain your reasoning and your way of feeling to a relative who will certainly support you.

The dream about your deceased father calling you signifies the longing for communication and connection. Your father’s presence in your dream suggests a desire to communicate with him on a deeper level. This dream signifies the importance of expressing your thoughts, feelings, and desires openly with your loved ones or those you trust. It is possible that there are unspoken words or unshared emotions that are weighing you down. Take this dream as an invitation to seize opportunities to have meaningful conversations and maintain healthy interpersonal relationships. As you engage in open communication, you will find a great sense of relief and comfort knowing that you have expressed yourself authentically and fostered stronger connections with others.

SOON: Deceased father calling me in dream means that you do well, because it is convenient for you to wait. You have already tried to make him see how important it would be to take better care of himself. If there has been a problem, it is time to solve it, but you must do it with generosity. In any case, there is a person who is willing to give you a hand if needed, do not hesitate. In addition, you can get a lot out of it later.

FUTURE: Dream of deceased father calling me signifies that children will pay attention and love you and that will make you have a good time. Children or very young people will have an important role. You will find a new way to approach a problem that is taking a lot of your energy. You will feel the love that someone has for you and that will be very important for you. You will have a good time and your mood and mental strength will start to improve as if by magic.

More about Deceased Father Calling Me

Dream of father suggests that this disconnection will make you face the possible difficulties of the week with a very good foot. You will be able to exhibit your knowledge if you want to and you will even be congratulated for it. You may have a short-term professional collaboration. Afterwards you will feel much more relaxed and breathe easier. This gesture will make you popular with those around you.

Dream of a call signifies that things will work out, but there’s still time for that long-awaited moment for you. In a matter of hours you will experience an improvement. You will have the mental activity very inspired and open to collect or learn new knowledge. You will say everything you think sincerely and that will improve your image in many ways. Several friends will propose a date that, at first, you will think to reject.

Dream of deceased father calling me contains special messages

ADVICE: Blank your mind and visualize pleasant scenes or images and let yourself be carried away by them. You need to start closing some fronts that you have opened for a long time.

WARNING: Don’t sit back if your work situation is complicated and you are looking for new ways to earn. Show yourself sensitive and empathetic, and don’t judge him whatever he may tell you.

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