MEANING: Dream of tragic death signifies that you are struggling with pleasing both your parents without disappointing the other. You are letting your guard down in a situation where you need to be more vigilant. You are going through a moment of uncertainty regarding the heart. There are repressed memories, fears or emotions that you are not confronting. You will not feel attached to anything or anyone and will explore other territories of your spirit.
The dream about tragic death represents a message of acceptance, dear dreamer. Just like the stars align in the night sky, this dream suggests that you are being called to accept certain aspects of your life that may cause you grief or discomfort. Perhaps there is a situation or a person you have been resisting, thinking that things should be different. However, this dream gently reminds you that true strength lies in accepting and embracing the reality as it is. While this acceptance may bring sadness initially, it also opens the door for healing and growth. Your empathetic and compassionate nature will guide you through this journey of acceptance, assuring that you can find solace in even the most challenging circumstances. Remember, dear dreamer, in the cycle of life, acceptance leads to miracles.
SOON: Tragic death in dream means that it’s time to move forward on your own path faster than you have so far. Now you have to think about your new goals and start working to achieve them. Spring is one of your favorite times of the year and you feel great at this time of your life. You’re too focused on social networks, which can be a good tool well used. By nature you are very outgoing and have a tendency to be the center of attention.
FUTURE: Dream of tragic death signifies that you can only advise him from your own experience. If you want, it will always be with you because you will have many ways to be in contact. It’s a good day for you to value everything that shines around you. Finally they will listen to you on something you have been insisting on for a long time. Philosophy will now be one of the themes to be explored.
More about Tragic Death
Dream of death indicates that you will think of provocative and erotic situations with which you will surprise. Maybe it’s good that he solves his issues without your help, because that will make him grow up. You take forward an intellectual task that had been stagnant. You will have the opportunity to restore an outstanding debt of some kind. You cling too much to your beliefs or concepts that will be in a very conservative tone.
Dream of tragic death contains special messages
ADVICE: Ignore those who speak behind your back and call you selfish. Now, enjoy your vacation, but as soon as it’s over, get to work.
WARNING: All other inconveniences or obligations must be secondary. Meditate on it well, but do not accept it if you are not clear.